Ya está disponible nuestro nuevo FCRE diversificado. Más información

Advantages of investing with Bewater Funds

  • Choose one or multiple companies

  • Security: through a fund registered with the CNMV

  • Aligned interests: our management team has invested € 2.5M until October 2021

How it works

How to buy

  • Step 1. Register as a professional investor
  • Step 2. Choose the company in which you want to invest.
  • Step 3. Introduce your expression of interest.
  • Step 4. Send cash and you are a shareholder.

How to sell shares

  • Step 1. Select the company from which you wish to divest.
  • Step 2. Introduce an expression of interest.
  • Step 3. We look for an interested buyer.
  • Step 4. Receive cash.

Legal Risks

Closed-End Funds(CEF) are closed type collective investment institutions, which means that the participants will not have the right to divestment alone, only simultaneously. The transfer of shares is restricted and the participants may only carry it out with the intermediation of the Bewater Asset Management, Asset Managers of Closed-End Collective Investment (SGEIC), which may charge a fee to the participating seller for it. The SGEIC does not guarantee that its intermediation results in all cases in the identification of a buyer for participations offered by the participating seller. Participants may have to wait before they can sell their shares in the FICC or they may not be able to sell them at the price for which they subscribed or at a higher price.

If you own shares in a company and wish to sell them, contact Indexa Capital. See what type of company we look for.

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