About Bewater Funds
What is Bewater Funds?
Bewater Funds provides the opportunity to invest in shares or other illiquid assets of a single unlisted company, in Spain or other OECD countries, through a Closed End Fund (CEF). The company is selected by Bewater Asset Management SGEIC, SA, team, hereinafter the Management Company. Additionally, shareholders of CEF can express the asset manager their interest in selling their shares though the website with a simple click.
Bewater Funds is the commercial brand of Bewater Asset Management SGEIC of closed-end funds, SA.
Who Can Invest?
Investing in Bewater Funds can be undertaken by persons considered to be professional investors (Artículo 75 de la Ley 22/2014).
Professional clients, in accordance with Article 205 of the “Texto Refundido de la ley del Mercado de Valores”, are considered to be those who possess the experience, knowledge and financial capacity necessary to make their own investment decisions and correctly assess the risks involved in these decisions.
- Total assets must be greater or equal to 20 million euros;
- Annual turnover is greater than or equal to 40 million euros;
- Their share capital is greater than or equal to 2 million euros.
- Having realised significant trades in capital markets, averaging ten per quarter during the last four quarters or alternatively a large enough number of trades in the relevant market;
- The value of cash and securities deposited is greater than 500,000 euros;
- The client has occupied, for at least one year, a professional position in the financial sector, requiring knowledge of operations or services provided.
If you wish to register as an investor and do not fulfil any of these conditions, please contact us.
Register as a professional investorHow to Register?
All you have to do is sign up as a user through our registration form. By registering as a user, you will have access to information about the companies in which the CEF are invested. However, in order to invest in the funds, we will have to qualify you as an investor. To qualify as an investor, you must fill out and send us the signed Investor Registration Document. In addition, you must send us supporting documentation so that we can verify the information from the questionnaire.
Who we are?
Bewater Asset Management S.G.E.I.C de tipo cerrado, S.A. is responsible for setting up and managing the investment funds published on this website.
As advisors to Bewater Asset Management, you can find:
Ramón Blanco (co-Founder and CEO of Bewater Funds)
Ramón Blanco is a graduate of Business and Law from ICADE (E3) was awarded with a Fulbright scholarship to attend Harvard Business School graduating with an MBA. He began his career working in marketing at Unilever, continuing in investment banking at Santander before founding selftrade.es, an online broker whose parent company went public in France. In 2002 Selftrade was sold to Boursorama Banque (part of the SG group with a market cap of 1.000 mill €). In Boursorama Banque he was Deputy CEO (France), President of Onvista Bank (Germany) and Vice President of Selftrade Bank UK. In 2012 he founded etece.com. Ramón has been an investor in numerous startups (idealista.com, 11870.com, sindelantal.com). Besides this Ramon has 15 international rugby caps for Spain and is a Professor of the Financial Markets Masters of Garrigues.

François Derbaix (co-Founder and Board Member of Bewater Funds)
Serial entrepreneur (Toprural, Rentalia, Soysuper, Aplazame) and investor in more than 30 online businesses (Kantox, Tiendeo, Reclamador, We Are Knitters, Deporvillage, …). François was the first private investor selected by the European Investment Fund (EIF) to co-invest in Spain (Fondo Isabel la Católica). Mentor at Seedrocket, François graduated with a Masters in Business Engineering from the Catholic University of Louvain, working as a consultant at The Boston Consulting Group in Brussels and Paris (1997-1999) before moving to Spain.

Unai Ansejo (co-founder and Board Member of Bewater Asset Management)
Unai is an institutional investor with more than ten years of experience in the management of pension plans and large portfolios. Member of several advisory boards of venture capital funds (Cabiedes & Partners, QMC II (N+1)...). Investor in Nvivo. Unai has a bachelors in Physics and a PHD in Finance from the University of the Basque Country, Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) and professor of the Inter-university masters in Banking and Quantitative Finance.
Find more information in our Frequently Asked Questions
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Finally, you can contact us here.